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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

first cycle chemo

huhuhuu tajuk je dh gempak kan..kenapa la sy tetiba cite psl chemo kan..mesti smua tertanya..
dia ni sakit ke?
sakit pe?
klu chemo kan slalu nye dikaitkan dgn kanser...
dia ni sakit kanser ke?
untuk pengetahuan smua..bkn sy yg sakit..tp my youngest brother yg sakit..ya Allah betapa sedih nye sy melihat nye..umo dia br 16 thn..tp dia telah diduga dgn penyakit ni...my youngest brother kena kanser..so sekrg dia kene uat chemo sbb kanser dia sudah stage 2..
dr ckp klu stage 2 mmg kene uat chemo..tidak boleh katakan tidak..melainkan 1st stage boleh pilih tuk uat radioterapi...
skrg adik sy cuti sekolah sampai lah keadaan dia betul2 sihat..means after 6th cycle of chemo..
6 cycle byk nye tu...

Ya Allah kuatkan lah n tabahkan lah adik sy untuk mengharungi segala dugaan ini..
sembuhkanlah penyakit yg dihidapi nyer..jauhkan lah dia dr perkara2 yg membahayakan..Amin

so uollsss smua hari ni raya ke-empat kan..kami smua beraya di hospital..nan ado beraya di rumah...kuih smua angkut ke hospital..sbb adik kena admit 5 hari kt spital...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

tahun ni kami sekeluarga beraya di kg mama sy di bt pahat, johor..spt selalu nye kami akan ramai2 bergotong royong menyiapkan juadah hari raya kami...spt thn2 sebelum nye..adik beradik mak sy yg blk hanya chu n mak yaya..teh x dpt blk sbb raya umah belah mertua..pakcik ayim x blk sbb sdg smbg blaja kt glasgow..insyaAllah thn dpn diorg blk Malaysia..yippiiii...uda x blk sbb bt pahat ni jauh n nan ado sape2 di kg lg...tp kami ni sape yek..hantu kot..hahahahahaha...

okeys la enjoy the pics from hari raya..tata

pg2 raya..smua tgh mkn after solat hari raya..

beratur tuk bermaaf-maafan dan kutip duit raya.. :D

family sy...theme purple color

family pak ngah sy..theme campur2

family mak yaya...theme campur2 gak..tp yg lelaki smua nye sama

family chu..theme orange n red..

adik beradik mama sy..de lg 3 x blk...

anak2 dan menantu arwah haji mahmood dan arwayahamah hajah saebah

cucu2 lelaki arwah tok babah n tok mama...tp ramai lg yg x de ni

cucu2 perempuan arwah tok babah n tok mama..pn ramai lg yg x de..

okeys la nk stop dulu..penat dh nk upload gambar..dh la tenet kt lab sy sgt la lembab skrg nie..huhuhuh nt2 sy smbg lg k

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Setahun Hanya Sekali

yeker?mcm pernah dua kali je dlm setahun..okeys la..pe2 pn nk wish to all my readers(ade ke?)..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI...

citer pasal raya nie..raya thn nie mngkin merupakan raya paling bohsan tuk kami sekeluarga..sbb nye as i told before my youngest brother kena cancer..n rite now he doing chemoteraphy..jd sbb tu la kami sekeluarga x bape nk raya sgt..sbb adik sy kena msk hospital pd raya ke-4..so hari raya kami adalah di hospital..sesape nk dtg leh la dtg hospital..hehehehehe

apapun blk kg tetap blk...sbb adik yg sakit tu nk sgt2 blk kg...so kami tetap blk kg tuk fulfill his wish...baju raya sy tetap ade..2 pasang..patut nye 3 tp dh jd 2 sbb tailor sy telah merosakkan baju sy yg ke-3..sgt2 sakit the hati tau x...

kuih ray pn x de la tahun nie..sedey nye...huhuhuhuhuhu...sape2 yg de tu leh la bg sikit..hehehehehe...^_^

Friday, September 4, 2009

Poem khas untuk hairi

Allah Knows Best

Allah knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich again

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah’s way
To make our spirit’s strong.

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